Dear Customer
Thank you for the purchase of our Arduino Nano Midi Development Shield.
If you have not purchased one then why not, they can be found on
ebay at https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134724282806
Tindie at https://www.tindie.com/products/twinturbo/arduino-nano-midi-shield-v031/
Please use a NANO 328P for best results as some cheap clones use inferior MCU’s the Arduino should be mounted to the board as shown. Incorrect fitment could damage the shield and/or the MCU
Guide Document, it’s very basic as the build is just laying out the components. NOTE , Put down the Arduino or it’s Headers before soldering the MIDI sockets in place!

The interface connector is fitted as a pin socket array in the top corner, the pin designations can be seen in the diagram below.

When uploading sketches please unplug the “MIDI IN”
Also note that having the serial monitor or other serial application on the USB port may interrupt the MIDI in.
The following sketch can be used to test sending notes to your device on CH1.
The folowing sketch uses the midi.h library and is used to filter midi channels .
5V DC can be applied to the jack connector on the PCB, A jack can be fitted if desired.

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